
Meaningful Living

Jul 12, 2020

Starting life after drink & drugs is not just a question of putting the substance down. Abstinence or stable using is not the end, it is the means. The most important element in moving on after addiction is a meaningful life. 

Addiction by definition destroys life. It takes away health, family, money, relationships and worse. This happens slowly but by the end life has been reduced to a small, restricted set of activities that mainly revolve around the substance and little else. It's...

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Addiction is Normal

Jul 12, 2020

Just say no! You've probably heard that said more than a few times about using drink & drugs. Of course it would be madness to say 'yes' to the consequences of addiction, as these are so horrific. However, for the first few years then using is pretty good which is why so many people do it. 

If you think about addiction as a process rather than a destination, then it is easier to see why people use. Basically speaking people use drink and drugs in order to feel better in some way, and...

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Focus on Behaviour

Jul 12, 2020

What's the easiest place to start the process of change? Rebuilding your life is hard, so it is important to find the best way to do that. Common sense might  say that changing the way you think and feel would be best. In your experience though, is it easier to change your thoughts, your feelings or your behaviour? We believe in starting with the low hanging fruit. 

So if you turn your head to the left and the right that would be you controlling your behaviour. You can probably...

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